Category Archives: Uncategorized

morning email

not sure if you need to be woken up early this morning or not. so today’s been incredibly productive for me and it’s not quite 8am yet. i woke up at 5, made breakfast (sauteed onions and yellow bell pepper on 15 grain toast with laughing cow cheese spread on one side and creamy grey […]

Lost in a sweaty pit of Girl Talk

The other night I went to see Girl Talk. It was an incredible frenzy of folks just dancing their hearts out, besides the one guy towards the end of the show who decided to walk into the midst of the crowd and stand next to me and not move at all. At first glance I […]

iMovie hack

so i was having trouble with a video in imovie recently. it wouldn’t export the video past the first few frames. i was at a loss. i did notice that it appeared my movie setting had been set on the isight webcam the entire time. i thought this may have had something to do with […]

Vino’s Root Beer

  This root beer was sub-par at best. Lacking any real high notes in flavor and carbonation. It did have a fantastic head on it but that might have been because it was coming out of a soda gun. Vino’s is a pizzeria/brewery here in Little Rock, AR specializing in handcrafted brews. While I can […]

Hospital Training Day

Today I started my new job. It was orientation day and I swear they just repeated the same thing over and over again. After the fried food lunch, where I only ate french fries, hush puppies and fried apple pies, i developed heart burn and a serious case of the sleepies. Try staying awake to […]

Dressy clothes for the dress worthy

I don’t wear dresses but I wish I could. I swear girls get better dress clothes than dudes. I went into JCPenney today, maybe that was my first mistake, looking for dress shirts for a new job I have. This new job means no jeans, tshirts, etc. The standard corporate world design. White shirt, black […]